Monday, 19 October 2009

We Are One is published in hardback by Quadrille Publishing today and contains three of my photographs of the Kombai and Korowai tribes from West Papua. All proceeds go to Survival International to help tribal people all over the world.

Here is a link to some of the photographs in the book on the Gaurdian website

and here is a link to buy the book from Survival, remember all the proceeds go to help tribal people.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

"They Only Eat Witches, Don't They" is now available here. Take a look, you can preview the book on-line. Hope you like it.

A Photographic jou...
By Photographs by Gre...

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Ellanden River Journey

In March of this year I took a trip in a dugout canoe up the Ellanden River in West Papua. I photographed from the canoe as we moved up the river.
The Ellanden runs from the Papuan highlands to the lowlands in the south and eventually in to the Arafura sea. I had started in Agats and was going up the river a distance of over 100 miles from where I would begin a treck in to the jungle to photograph the remote Kombai tribe.
Here is a selection of photographs taken from the dugout.

Ellanden River Journey - Images by Grenville Charles